H huzb Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-08-03 #2 TDBGrid's protected property inherit from TCustomGrid see dbgrids.pas && grids.pas Col,ColCount,FixedCols Row,RowCount,FixedRows you can inherit TDBGrid and build a new TmyDBGrid to access it
TDBGrid's protected property inherit from TCustomGrid see dbgrids.pas && grids.pas Col,ColCount,FixedCols Row,RowCount,FixedRows you can inherit TDBGrid and build a new TmyDBGrid to access it
D dedman Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-08-03 #4 dbgrid1.selectedfield table1.recno
J jqw Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-08-03 #5 to dedman: 兄弟,SQL DATABASE是不支持recno
S snjat Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-08-03 #6 你可以用STRINGGRID 代替,何必在一个地方等死!如有困难,请找我!
Y yubo Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-08-04 #9 得知道表结构 snjat 的 TStringGrid 是个好办法.