Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
Table1: TTable;
Table1Come: TStringField;
Table1body: TMemoField:
Table1Ind: TIntegerField;
I'd like to know how to define the TStringField,...etc. I place a table into
the form and can not get the declaration like TStringField for the table's
each field.
I am anxious , Please be quick.
(Sorry, sometimes I cannot use chinese char input mode at this site.)
Table1: TTable;
Table1Come: TStringField;
Table1body: TMemoField:
Table1Ind: TIntegerField;
I'd like to know how to define the TStringField,...etc. I place a table into
the form and can not get the declaration like TStringField for the table's
each field.
I am anxious , Please be quick.
(Sorry, sometimes I cannot use chinese char input mode at this site.)