installshield Developer的制作。。。(50分)

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使用installshield Developer在制作安装包,可是没有中文教程,。。。有没有知道的
最近用了installshield professional SE 6.2版做了安装盘...感觉还是很方便的, 基本上安装盘的制作都是大同小异的.
一般来说, 用它的project wizard来就可以了,以一个简单的例子,
project wizard -> standard setup project -> 按提示就可以了....只有一点比较特别的是, 所有的文件要自己手工添加进去, 好象不能够指定一个目录后, 就自动添加目录下所有子目录和文件..我印象中就这一点有些不同. 其它都没什么了.
to elm:
是这样的, 它生成的setup文件, 是自带缷载和修复功能的...也就是说,你第一次运行时,它认为是安装, 第二次运行时, 它就会提示是修复, 还是缷载.....
所以, 就用一个setup就行了...
to elm:
我没有用过, 查了一下随机文档, 好象意思也是没有单独的缷载程序, 估计这就是install shield的特色吧.
如果你需要单独的缷载程序, 可以改用inno setup, 也是很好用的.
1.如果是InstallScript MSI Project
To create an installation shortcut via the IDE:
Go to the Shortcuts view.
Create a shortcut with the following properties to launch IDriver.exe:

Shortcut Property Value
Arguments /M{Product Code}
Advertised No
Target [CommonFilesFolder]InstallShield/Driver/7/Intel 32/IDriver.exe
新建一个快捷方式,指向[CommonFilesFolder]InstallShield/Driver/7/Intel 32/IDriver.exe ,这里如果你是用8.0,就把7改成8,再加个/M + 你的Product Code就是卸载程序了

In the above example, {Product Code} would be replaced with your product code. It might look similar to the following: Arguments: /M{7C071035-F334-11D5-818A-00C04F288311}
To find the Product Code for a particular project, follow the steps below:
Open project in InstallShield Developer.
Click General Information in the View List.
Select Product Properties.
Note the value of the Product Code field.

2.如果你是Basic MSI Project
To create an uninstallation shortcut:

Go to the Shortcuts view.
Right-click on Program Files folder and select New Shortcut.
Type a name for the shortcut. You can rename the shortcut by selecting it, pressing F2, and typing a new name.
In the Arguments field, type /x [ProductCode]. Separate the two arguments with a space.
Msiexec.exe is the command-line engine for the Windows Installer service. The /x argument instructs the Windows Installer service to uninstall the product referenced by the product code.
Select No from the Advertised drop-down menu.
In the Target field, select [SystemFolder] from the list. Append msiexec.exe to this location.
In the Component property, select the component with which you want this shortcut associated. To ensure that the shortcut is always installed, associate it with the component containing your application's main executable
to zm30:
因此,对于你所说的IDriver.exe ,我会看看的,如果可以马上结贴,