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我正好有一扁文章,贴上来吧。<br><br>为什么选这个话题?因为跟踪MOUSE坐标很常见,容易又特别不容易,非常说明WINDOWS95下编程的特点。 <br>第一步,建一DLL,DELPHI中NEW-&gt;DLL SAVE AS GETKEY <br>library getKey; <br>uses <br>SysUtils, <br>Windows, <br>HookMain in 'hookmain.pas'; <br><br>exports <br>OpenGetKeyHook, <br>CloseGetKeyHook, <br>GetPublicP; <br><br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; NextHook := 0; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; procSaveExit := ExitProc; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; DLLproc := @DLLMain; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; ExitProc := @HookExit; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; DLLMain(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH); <br>end. <br><br>第二步,建一UNIT ,HOOK MAIN。关键在于CreateFileMapping 和 消息 WM_NCMouseMove, WM_MOUSEMOVE: <br><br>unit HookMain; <br><br>interface <br>uses Windows, Messages, Dialogs, SysUtils; <br><br>//type DataBuf = Array [1..2] of DWORD; <br>type mydata=record <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; data1:array [1..2] of DWORD; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; data2:TMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT; <br>end; <br>var hObject : THandle; <br>pMem : Pointer; <br>NextHook: HHook; <br>procSaveExit: Pointer; <br><br>function HookHandler(iCode: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;export; <br>function OpenGetKeyHook(sender : HWND;MessageID : WORD) : BOOL; export; <br>function CloseGetKeyHook: BOOL; export; <br>function GetPublicP : Pointer;stdcall; export; <br>Procedure DLLMain(dwReason:DWord); far; <br>procedure HookExit; far; <br><br>implementation <br><br>Procedure UnMapMem; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if Assigned(pMem) then <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; UnMapViewOfFile(pMem); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; pMem := Nil <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>end; <br><br>Procedure MapMem; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; hObject := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF,Nil,Page_ReadWrite,0,$FFFF,pCha <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; r('_IOBuffer')); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if hObject = 0 then Raise Exception.Create('创建公用数据的Buffer不成功!'); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; pMem := MapViewOfFile(hObject,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,SizeOf(mydata)); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // 1 or SizeOf(DataBuf) ???? <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // 创建SizeOf(DataBuf)的数据区 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if not Assigned(pMem) then <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; UnMapMem; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Raise Exception.Create('创建公用数据的映射关系不成功!'); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>end; <br><br>Procedure DLLMain(dwReason:DWord); far; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Case dwReason of <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH : <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; pMem := nil; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; hObject := 0; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MapMem; //以下的公有数据,如tHWND,tMessageID将直接使用本Buf. <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; DLL_PROCESS_DETACH : UnMapMem; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; DLL_THREAD_ATTACH, <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; DLL_THREAD_DETACH :; //缺省 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>end; <br><br>procedure HookExit; far; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; CloseGetKeyHook; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; ExitProc := procSaveExit; <br>end; <br><br>function GetPublicP : Pointer;export; <br>begin //这里引出了公用数据区的指针,你可以在你的应用程序中自由操作它。但建议去掉此接口。 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Result := pMem; <br>end; <br><br>function HookHandler(iCode: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): <br>LRESULT; stdcall; export; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Result := 0; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; If iCode &lt; 0 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Then Result := CallNextHookEx(NextHook, iCode, wParam, lParam); <br><br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // This is probably closer to what you would want to do... <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; case wparam of <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_LBUTTONUP: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_RBUTTONDOWN: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; messagebeep(1); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_RBUTTONUP: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_MBUTTONDOWN: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_MBUTTONUP: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; WM_NCMouseMove, WM_MOUSEMOVE: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; mydata(pmem^).data2:=pMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT(lparam)^; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // messagebeep(1); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; //SendMessage(DataBuf(pMem^)[1],DataBuf(pMem^)[2],wParam,lParam ); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; SendMessage(mydata(pMem^).data1[1],mydata(pMem^).data1[2],wParam,integ <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; er(@(mydata(pmem^).data2)) ); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end; //发送消息 <br>end; <br><br>function OpenGetKeyHook(sender : HWND;MessageID : WORD) : BOOL; export ; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Result := False; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if NextHook &lt;&gt; 0 then Exit; //已经安装了本钩子 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // DataBuf(pMem^)[1] := Sender; //填数据区 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // DataBuf(pMem^)[2] := MessageID; //填数据区 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; mydata(pmem^).data1[1]:=sender; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; mydata(pmem^).data1[2]:=messageid; <br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; NextHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_mouse, HookHandler, HInstance, 0); <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Result := NextHook &lt;&gt; 0; <br>end; <br><br>function CloseGetKeyHook: BOOL; export; <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if NextHook &lt;&gt; 0 then <br>begin <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; UnhookWindowshookEx(NextHook); //把钩子链链接到下一个钩子处理上. <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; NextHook := 0; <br>end; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Result := NextHook = 0; <br>end; <br><br>end. <br><br><br><br>第三步,测试DLL,建一PROJECT。关键在于override WndProc <br><br>unit Unit1; <br><br>interface <br><br>uses <br>Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialo <br>gs, <br>StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; <br><br>type <br>TForm1 = class(TForm) <br>uncapture: TButton; <br>capture: TButton; <br>Exit: TButton; <br>Panel1: TPanel; <br>show: TLabel; <br><br>Label1: TLabel; <br>counter: TLabel; <br>procedure ExitClick(Sender: TObject); <br>procedure uncaptureClick(Sender: TObject); <br>procedure captureClick(Sender: TObject); <br>private <br>{ Private declarations } <br>public <br>{ Public declarations } <br>procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; <br>end; <br><br>var <br>Form1: TForm1; <br>var num : integer; <br>const MessageID = WM_User + 100; <br>implementation <br><br>{$R *.DFM} <br>function OpenGetKeyHook(sender : HWND;MessageID : WORD) : BOOL; extern <br>al 'GetKey.DLL'; <br>function CloseGetKeyHook: BOOL; external 'GetKey.DLL'; <br><br>procedure TForm1.ExitClick(Sender: TObject); <br>begin <br>close; <br>end; <br><br>procedure TForm1.uncaptureClick(Sender: TObject); <br>begin <br>if CloseGetKeyHook then //ShowMessage('结束记录...'); <br>show.caption:='结束记录...'; <br>end; <br><br>procedure TForm1.captureClick(Sender: TObject); <br>begin <br>// if OpenGetKeyHook(self.Handle,MessageID) then ShowMessage('开始记录 <br>...'); <br><br>if OpenGetKeyHook(Form1.Handle,MessageID) then <br>//ShowMessage('开始记录...'); <br>show.caption:='开始记录...'; <br>num := 0; <br><br><br>end; <br><br>procedure TForm1.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); <br>var x,y:integer; <br>begin <br>if Message.Msg = MessageID then <br>begin <br>// Panel1.Caption := IntToStr(Num); <br>x:=PMouseHookStruct( message.lparam)^.pt.x ; <br>y:=PMouseHookStruct( message.lparam)^.pt.y ; <br><br>panel1.caption:='x='+inttostr(x)+' y='+inttostr(y); <br>inc(Num); <br>counter.Caption := IntToStr(Num); <br>end <br>else Inherited; <br>end; <br><br>end. <br><br>.