,在微软站点下在netmeeting 3.0 sdk,里面有很权的文档和例子。
the following is from msdn:
Including a CallTo URL in Your Web Page
Add this script code to your HTML page to embed the NetMeeting CallTo URL in the <BODY> of your script in order to provide simple CallTo, HangUp, and UnDock functionality:
<object ID=NetMeeting CLASSID="CLSID:3E9BAF2D-7A79-11d2-9334-0000F875AE17">
<PARAM NAME = "MODE" VALUE = "DataOnly"> </object>
<input type=button value ="callto:"id=CallToBtn onclick=NetMeeting.CallTo(CallToAddress.value)>
<input type=text id=CallToAddress>
<input type=button value ="Hangup"id=HangUpBtn onclick=NetMeeting.LeaveConference()>
<input type=button value ="UnDock"id=UnDockBtn onclick=NetMeeting.UnDock()>
The <OBJECT> tag loads the NetMeeting control. The <PARAM NAME> tag sets the viewing mode. This specific