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现在打算在不放弃 Delphi 的情况下,抽时间学一门 .NET 语言,在比较了C#、C++.NET 、J# 和
VB.NET 后,决定选 C# 作为我的唯一 .NET 开发语言。
但在看文档资料时,由于没有 C/C++ 的基础,发现其自带的 MSDN ,很难看得懂,英文原版还好
些,经过翻译的简体中文 MSDN 却着实更令人觉得晦涩难懂。总之,MSDN 的 C# 入门都不是针对没有
C/C++ 基础的新手的!
最后,在对比了大量的 C# 入门电子书籍后,认为 Oreilly.Learning.C.Sharp (368页)是最适
合没有 C/C++ 基础的入门级 C# 教材。
Oreilly.Learning.C.Sharp (368页) 下载地址:
Learning C# was written for programmers with little or no object-oriented
programming experience, as well as for novice programmers. Those coming
from another language may have a slight advantage, but I‘ve tried to
provide an on-ramp for begin
ners as well, by defining all terms,
demonstrating the relationships among the various constructs, and reviewing
key concepts along the way.
VB.NET 后,决定选 C# 作为我的唯一 .NET 开发语言。
但在看文档资料时,由于没有 C/C++ 的基础,发现其自带的 MSDN ,很难看得懂,英文原版还好
些,经过翻译的简体中文 MSDN 却着实更令人觉得晦涩难懂。总之,MSDN 的 C# 入门都不是针对没有
C/C++ 基础的新手的!
最后,在对比了大量的 C# 入门电子书籍后,认为 Oreilly.Learning.C.Sharp (368页)是最适
合没有 C/C++ 基础的入门级 C# 教材。
Oreilly.Learning.C.Sharp (368页) 下载地址:
Learning C# was written for programmers with little or no object-oriented
programming experience, as well as for novice programmers. Those coming
from another language may have a slight advantage, but I‘ve tried to
provide an on-ramp for begin
ners as well, by defining all terms,
demonstrating the relationships among the various constructs, and reviewing
key concepts along the way.