用delphi写了一个万年历,请大家看看. (100分)

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barton在ID=388272中提到的moon.zip可以到<a href=http://www.delphibyte.com/download/softdown.php?softid=405&amp;url=http://www.delphipages.com/uploads/Math_Algorithms/moon20.zip>这里</a>下载
以下内容是从控件Moon component中摘录出来的,随后是笔者的译文(有感于E文太差,如有不当,指正,见谅)
Chinese Date
Algorithms See also

Converts a Delphi TDatetime to the chinese date and back.
function ChineseDate(date: TDateTime):TChineseDate;
function EncodeDateChinese(date: TChineseDate):TDateTime;
The chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar like the jewish calendar, however the main difference is that the chinese calendar uses the astronomical events, and not a approximate algorithm. Another difference is that the chinese calendar uses the actual new moon, not the visibility of the first crescent as the jewish or muslim calendar.
The chinese datedo
es not have a continous year count, but instead it is counted in 60 year long cycles. Every year in this cycle belongs to one of 10 heavenly stem and one of the 12 earthly branches, which is the name of zodiac for the given year. So the year in TChineseDate is encoded in the cycle number and the year number, and for information it also has the stem and the zodiac of the year. The similar sexagenary cycle for months and days is only rarely used anymore, however it is also calculated.
中国农历没有连续的纪年, 取而代之的是60年一循环.循环中的每个纪年由10天干和12地支组成,(其实十二地支与黄道十二宫名称是相类似的).所以年属性TChineseDate在对循环年序号进行编码,以提供该年的天干地支信息.和年相类似,月与日也是以此六十循环,但已经很少使用,不管如何,这里也进行了计算.
As the chinese calendar is lunarsolar it needs to introduce leap years, which contain a leap month. The leap month has the same number as the previous month, it only gets an additional flag to notice it's a leap month. In principle every month can be a leap month, however around the perihelion they are very unlikely.
As the month starts on the day of the new moon (the day in Beijing), the length of the months can be either 29 or 30 days, sometimes with up to 4 long or 3 short months in a row, but usually changing every month.
由于月的起始是新月这一天(北京时间,注:每个时区的新月时间是不同的.),月的长度是29天或是30天,有时会有多4天到少3天(in a row是何指不甚清楚,是否是因为近日点的节气时间被拉长之帮?望指教),但是通常每月都在变.
The chinese calendar in its present form was introduced in 1645, but it had existed in similar versions long time before already. As it is based upon the astronomical events all the calculations here are correct as long as the basic astronomical algorithms aren't too much wrong, so using this calculation too far into the future will return meaningless results.
(就干支纪日来说,"农历日纪从鲁隐公三年(公元前722年)二月己巳日至今, 我国干支记日从未间断. 这是人类社会迄今所知的唯一最长的记日法。","<http://www.rltmw.com/netpage/10nl/nlrjgl.html>",另外: "<http://culture.luneng.com/culture/2002/0110/20020110050.htm>" 中国古代历法发展;
The EncodeDateChinese function will raise an exception in case of an invalid date given - e.g. a leap month which is none, or a 30th on a month which only has 29 days. Note that it only uses the fields cycle, year, month, day and leap of the record, the other fields are not checked for the conversion.
These functions are based in part upon the book Calendrical Calculations.

很费力能译过作者的说明后,我们看到,控件Moon component对于公历与农历的互换只对采用1946年的历法时才有意义,否则返回的结果就是以今人的历法来表示古人的时间(虽然古人采用的可能不是这个值),或者是以今人的历法强加于未来可能采用的农历历法,这也是毫无意义的.