{$DEFINE Delphi}
unit Md5unit;
Description: This unit contains an Object Pascal Object which can be used to
perform an MD5 Hashing of byte array, file, or Pascal String. An
MD5 Hashing or Message Digest is a 'finger print' of the
input. This is 100% PASCAL!!!
"It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible
to produce two messages having the same message digest"....
"The MD5 algorithm is intended for digital signature
applications, where a large file must be "compressed" in a
secure manner before being encrypted with a private (secret) key
under a public-key cryptosystem such as RSA." R. Rivest
RfC: 1321, RSA Data Security, Inc. April 1992
The MD5 Algorithm was produced by RSA Data Security Inc.(See LEGAL)
Code Author: Greg Carter, gregc@cryptocard.com
Organization: CRYPTOCard Corporation, info@cryptocard.com
R&D Division, Carleton Place, ON, CANADA, K7C 3T2
1-613-253-3152 Voice, 1-613-253-4685 Fax.
Date of V.1: Jan. 3 1996.
Compatibility &
Testing with BP7.0: Anne Marcel Roorda, garfield@xs4all.nl
{Useage: Below is typical usage(for File)of the MD5 Object, Follow these steps:
Step 1: Declare and Create a New TMD5 object. This can bedo
ne by
'Drag N Drop' a TMD5 off the Delphi Tool Pallet,
or explicitly in code.
Step 2: Set the InputType.
Step 3: Point to the input(InputString, InputFilePath, pInputArray).
Step 4: Point to the output Array(pOutputArray).
Step 5: Call the MD5_Hash procedure.
procedure Tcryptfrm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
md5hash: TMD5;
(* Step 1a *)
outarray: array[0..15] of char;
InputFile: File;
startTime: LongInt;
md5hash := TMD5.Create(Self);
(* Step 1b *)
If OpenDialog1.Execute then
md5hash.InputType := SourceFile;
(* Step 2 *)
md5hash.InputFilePath := OpenDialog1.FileName;
(* Step 3 *)
md5hash.pOutputArray := @outarray;
(* Step 4 *)
startTime := timeGetTime;
(* Step 5 *)
LEDLabel1.Caption := IntToStr(timeGetTime - startTime);
Label2.Caption := StrPas(outarray);
something with output *)
(* if *)
{LEGAL: The algorithm was placed into the publicdo
main, hence requires
no license or runtime fees. However this code is copyright by
CRYPTOCard. CRYPTOCard grants anyone who may wish to use, modify
or redistribute this code privileges todo
so, provided the user
agrees to the following three(3) rules:
1)Any Applications, (ie exes which make use of this
Object...), for-profit or non-profit,
must acknowledge the author of this Object(ie.
MD5 Implementation provided by Greg Carter, CRYPTOCard
Corporation) somewhere in the accompanying Application
cumentation(ie AboutBox, HelpFile, readme...). NO runtime
or licensing fees are required!
2)Any Developer Component(ie Delphi Component, Visual Basic VBX,
DLL) derived from this software must acknowledge that it is
derived from "MD5 Object Pascal Implementation Originated by
Greg Carter, CRYPTOCard Corporation 1996". Also all efforts should
be made to point out any changes from the original.
!!!!!Further, any Developer Components based on this code
*MAY NOT* be sold for profit. This Object was placed into the
main, and therefore any derived components should
3)CRYPTOCard Corporation makes no representations concerning this
software or the suitability of this software for any particular
purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
warranty of any kind. CRYPTOCard accepts no liability from any
loss or damage as a result of using this software.
CRYPTOCard Corporation is in no way affiliated with RSA Data Security Inc.
The MD5 Algorithm was produced by RSA Data Security Inc.
Why Use this instead of a freely available C DLL?
The goal was to provide a number of Encryption/Hash implementations in Object
Pascal, so that the Pascal Developer has considerably more freedom. These
Implementations are geared toward the PC(Intel) Microsoft Windows developer,
who will be using Borland's New 32bit developement environment(Delphi32). The
code generated by this new compiler is considerablely faster then
16bit versions.
And should provide the Developer with faster implementations then
those using
NOTES: Version 1do
es not contain any cross-platform considerations. If trying
to use this code on a Big Endian style processor you will need to write
additional code to reorder the bytes.
Revised: 00/00/00 BY: ******* Reason: ******
{Declare the compiler defines}
{------Changeable compiler switches-----------------------------------}
{$A+ Word align variables }
{$F+ Force Far calls }
{$K+ Use smart callbacks
{$N+ Allow coprocessor instructions }
{$P+ Open parameters enabled }
{$S+ Stack checking }
{$T- @ operator is NOT typed }
{$U- Non Pentium safe FDIV }
{$Z- No automatic word-sized enumerations}
uses Cryptcon, SysUtils, Classes, Controls;
ULONG32 = record
LoWord16: WORD;
HiWord16: WORD;
PLong = ^LongInt;
hashDigest = record
A: Longint;
B: Longint;
C: Longint;
D: Longint;
PTR_Hash = ^hashDigest;
TMD5 = class
{ Private declarations }
FType : TSourceType;
{Source type, whether its a file or ByteArray, or
a Pascal String}
FInputFilePath: String;
{Full Path to Input File}
FInputArray: PByte;
{Point to input array}
FInputString: String;
{Input String}
FOutputDigest: PTR_Hash;
{output MD5 Digest}
FSourceLength: LongInt;
{input length in BYTES}
FActiveBlock: Array[0..15] of LongInt;
{the 64Byte block being transformed}
FA, FB, FC, FD, FAA, FBB, FCC, FDD: LongInt;
{FA..FDD are used during Step 4, the transform. I made them part of the
Object to cutdo
wn on time used to pass variables.}
FpA, FpB, FpC, FpD: PLong;
we need these, or just use the '@' operator?}
{Put in for readability}
{FF, GG, HH, II are used in Step 4, the transform}
Procedure FF(a, b, c, d, x: Pointer;
s: BYTE;
ac: Longint);
Procedure GG(a, b, c, d, x: Pointer;
s: BYTE;
ac: Longint);
Procedure HH(a, b, c, d, x: Pointer;
s: BYTE;
ac: Longint);
Procedure II(a, b, c, d, x: Pointer;
s: BYTE;
ac: Longint);
{ Protected declarations }
{ Public declarations }
{Initialize is used in Step 3, this fills FA..FD with init. values
and points FpA..FpD to FA..FD}
Procedure MD5_Initialize;
{this is where all the magic happens}
Procedure MD5_Transform;
Procedure MD5_Finish;
Procedure MD5_Hash_Bytes;
{ Procedure MD5_Hash_String;(Pascal Style strings???)}
Procedure MD5_Hash_File;
{This procedure sends the data 64Bytes at a time to MD5_Transform}
Procedure MD5_Hash;
Property pInputArray: PByte read FInputArray write FInputArray;
Property pOutputArray: PTR_Hash read FOutputDigest write FOutputDigest;{!!See FOutputArray}
Property InputType: TSourceType read FType write FType;
Property InputFilePath: String read FInputFilePath write FInputFilePath;
Property InputString: String read FInputString write FInputString;
Property InputLength: LongInt read FSourceLength write FSourceLength;