这样试试。Good Luck
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Draws the image specified by the Index parameter onto the provided Canvas.
procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer; Enabled: Boolean=True); overload;
procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer; ADrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle; AImageType: TImageType; Enabled: Boolean=True); overload;
Use the Draw method to draw one of the images in the image list onto a specified canvas.
Canvas is the drawing surface on which to render the image.
X and Y specify the location where the top-left corner should appear on Canvas.
Index indicates which image to draw, where 0 specifies the first image, 1 specifies the second image, and so on.
ADrawingStyle indicates how the color of the image may be altered. If this parameter is not specified, Draw uses the value of the DrawingStyle property.
AImageType indicates whether to draw the image or its associated mask. If this parameter is not specified, Draw uses the value of the ImageType property.
Enabled indicates whether the image appears as a gray-mapped image. If Enabled is False, Draw renders a gray-mapped version of the image. Because Enabled has a default value of True, this parameter can be omitted if the image should not be grayed.