


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
int MouseReset(void)
union REGS in,out;
if (out.x.ax==0) return 0;
return 1;
0x33 是鼠标中断的中断号
in 调用鼠标中断的入口参数
out 调用鼠标中断的出口参数(保存中断过程的返回值)
例如:in.x.ax=0 ,那么,我在调用不同的中断时(如显示中断),入口参数到底应赋给什么值,
大哥,帮帮忙吧,我真的不知该怎么做了,急切盼望您的回信 :)


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!

INT 33 - Mouse Function Calls

For more information see the following topics:

INT 33,0 Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag
INT 33,1 Show Mouse Cursor
INT 33,2 Hide Mouse Cursor
INT 33,3 Get Mouse Position and Button Status
INT 33,4 Set Mouse Cursor Position
INT 33,5 Get Mouse Button Press Information
INT 33,6 Get Mouse Button Release Information
INT 33,7 Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position
INT 33,8 Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position
INT 33,9 Set Mouse Graphics Cursor
INT 33,A Set Mouse Text Cursor
INT 33,B Read Mouse Motion Counters
INT 33,C Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask
INT 33,D Mouse Light Pen Emulation On
INT 33,E Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off
INT 33,F Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio
INT 33,10 Mouse Conditional OFF
INT 33,13 Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold
INT 33,14 Swap interrupt subroutines
INT 33,15 Get mouse driver state and memory requirements
INT 33,16 Save mouse driver state
INT 33,17 Restore mouse driver state
INT 33,18 Set alternate subroutine call mask and address
INT 33,19 Get user alternate interrupt address
INT 33,1A Set mouse sensitivity
INT 33,1B Get mouse sensitivity
INT 33,1C Set mouse interrupt rate (InPort only)
INT 33,1D Set mouse CRT page
INT 33,1E Get mouse CRT page
INT 33,1F Disable mouse driver
INT 33,20 Enable mouse driver
INT 33,21 Reset mouse software
INT 33,22 Set language for messages
INT 33,23 Get language number
INT 33,24 Get driver version, mouse type & IRQ number

- function is specified in AX
- a mickey is 1/200 inches
- for additional information see your vendor documentation
- function number occupies all of AX rather than AH

Mouse functions can be broken down into the following classes:

Mouse Driver Control / Feedback Functions
INT 33,0 Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag
INT 33,15 Get Mouse Driver State and Memory Requirements
INT 33,16 Save Mouse Driver State
INT 33,17 Restore Mouse Driver State
INT 33,1C Set Mouse Interrupt Rate (InPort only)
INT 33,1F Disable Mouse Driver
INT 33,20 Enable Mouse Driver
INT 33,21 Reset Mouse Software
INT 33,24 Get Driver Version, Mouse Type & IRQ Number

Mouse Cursor Control Functions
INT 33,1 Show Mouse Cursor
INT 33,2 Hide Mouse Cursor
INT 33,4 Set Mouse Cursor Position
INT 33,7 Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position
INT 33,8 Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position
INT 33,9 Set Mouse Graphics Cursor
INT 33,A Set Mouse Text Cursor
INT 33,F Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio
INT 33,10 Mouse Conditional OFF
INT 33,13 Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold
INT 33,1A Set Mouse Sensitivity
INT 33,1B Get Mouse Sensitivity

Mouse Button and Position Feedback Functions
INT 33,3 Get Mouse Position and Button Status
INT 33,5 Get Mouse Button Press Information
INT 33,6 Get Mouse Button Release Information
INT 33,B Read Mouse Motion Counters

Video Control and Feedback Functions
INT 33,1D Set Mouse CRT Page
INT 33,1E Get Mouse CRT Page

Mouse Interrupt Setup Functions
INT 33,C Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask
INT 33,14 Swap Interrupt Subroutines

Alternate Mouse Interrupt Setup Functions
INT 33,18 Set Alternate Subroutine Call Mask and Address
INT 33,19 Get User Alternate Interrupt Address

Light Pen Emulation Functions
INT 33,D Mouse Light Pen Emulation On
INT 33,E Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off

International Language Support Functions
INT 33,22 Set Language for Messages
INT 33,23 Get Language Number


INT 33,0 - Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag

AX = 00

on return:
AX = 0000 mouse driver not installed
FFFF mouse driver installed
BX = number of buttons

- resets mouse to default driver values:

. mouse is positioned to screen center
. mouse cursor is reset and hidden
. no interrupts are enabled (mask = 0)
. double speed threshold set to 64 mickeys per second
. horizontal mickey to pixel ratio (8 to 8)
. vertical mickey to pixel ratio (16 to 8)
. max width and height are set to maximum for video mode

INT 33,1 - Show Mouse Cursor

AX = 01

returns nothing

- increments the cursor flag; the cursor is displayed if flag
is zero; default flag value is -1
