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GUEST, unregistred user!
现有数组A,I=20 我想用VB6.0来在坐标系统里动态地显示出来
要源程序? 那你不久什么都不用做了么.
be a programmer!
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private fnt As CLogFont

Private x(1 To 8) As Single
Private y(1 To 8) As Single
Private xcaption As String
Private Ycaption As String
Private n As Integer

Public Xo As Single
Public Yo As Single
Public Xlast As Single 'X 轴终点坐标
Public Ylast As Single 'Y 轴终点坐标


Sub PaintAxis(XL() As Single, YL() As Single, _
n As Integer, _
Optional xcaption As String = "X_Axis", Optional Ycaption As String = "Y_Axis", _
Optional Title As String)
Dim Ox As Single 'X 最大值
Dim PX As Single 'X 最小值
Dim Qy As Single 'Y 最大值
Dim Ry As Single 'Y 最小值
Dim OP As Single 'X 值长
Dim QR As Single 'Y 值长

Dim xo1 As Single
Dim Yo1 As Single
Dim XLast1 As Single
Dim YLast1 As Single
Dim XoXL1 As Single
Dim YoYL1 As Single

Dim LscaleX As Single '左上角坐标
Dim LscaleY As Single
Dim RscaleX As Single '右下角坐标
Dim RscaleY As Single
Dim XoXL As Single 'X 轴长
Dim YoYL As Single 'Y 轴长
Dim i As Single
Dim Picobj As Object
Set Picobj = frmmain.picpaint
With Picobj
Picobj.FontSize = 9
Ox = -10 ^ 38
PX = 10 ^ 38
Qy = Ox
Ry = PX
For i = 1 To n
If Ox < XL(i) Then Ox = XL(i)
If PX > XL(i) Then PX = XL(i)
If Qy < YL(i) Then Qy = YL(i)
If Ry > YL(i) Then Ry = YL(i)
Next i
'************以下计算方次 mx my************************
Dim mx As Single '计算 X轴方次
Dim Px2 As Single

Dim AverX, AverY As Single
AverX = 0: AverY = 0
For i = 1 To n
AverX = AverX + XL(i)
AverY = AverY + YL(i)
Next i
AverX = AverX / n
AverY = AverY / n
mx = 0
Px2 = AverX
Select Case Abs(Px2)
Case Is < 0.1
Px2 = Px2 * 10
mx = mx + 1
Loop Until Abs(Px2) >= 1
Case Is >= 100
Px2 = Px2 / 10
mx = mx - 1
Loop Until Abs(Px2) < 10
Case Else
mx = 0
End Select
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dim my As Single '计算 Y轴方次
Dim Ry2 As Single
my = 0
Ry2 = AverY
Select Case Abs(Ry2)
Case Is < 0.1
Ry2 = Ry2 * 10
my = my + 1
Loop Until Abs(Ry2) >= 1
Case Is >= 100
Ry2 = Ry2 / 10
my = my - 1
Loop Until Abs(Ry2) < 10
Case Else
my = 0
End Select
xo1 = 800
Yo1 = .ScaleHeight - 600
XLast1 = .ScaleWidth - 800
YLast1 = 600 '600 越小,上框越上
XoXL1 = XLast1 - xo1
YoYL1 = Yo1 - YLast1

OP = Ox - PX
QR = Qy - Ry

Xo = Format((((PX - OP / 8)) * 10 ^ mx), "#0.00") / 10 ^ mx '20越大,点越稀
Yo = Format((((Ry - QR / 8)) * 10 ^ my), "#0.00") / 10 ^ my
Xlast = Xo + 10 * Format(OP / 8 * 10 ^ mx, "#0.00") / 10 ^ mx
Ylast = Yo + 10 * Format(QR / 8 * 10 ^ my, "#0.00") / 10 ^ my

XoXL = Xlast - Xo 'X轴长度
YoYL = Ylast - Yo 'Y轴长度

LscaleX = Xo - XoXL / XoXL1 * xo1
LscaleY = Ylast + YoYL / YoYL1 * YLast1
RscaleX = Xlast + XoXL / XoXL1 * (.ScaleWidth - XLast1)
RscaleY = Yo - YoYL / YoYL1 * (.ScaleHeight - Yo1)

.FontBold = False
.DrawWidth = 1
Picobj.Line (xo1, Yo1)-(XLast1, Yo1)
Picobj.Line (xo1, Yo1)-(xo1, YLast1)

For i = 1 To 10
Picobj.Line (xo1 + XoXL1 / 10 * i, Yo1)-(xo1 + XoXL1 / 10 * i, Yo1 - 80)
Picobj.Line (xo1, Yo1 - YoYL1 / 10 * i)-(xo1 + 80, Yo1 - YoYL1 / 10 * i)
Next i

.FontSize = 9

For i = 0 To 10
Dim Ax As Single
Ax = XoXL / 10 * i + Xo '标注 X轴
.CurrentX = xo1 + XoXL1 / 10 * i
.CurrentY = Yo1
Picobj.Print Format(Ax * (10 ^ mx), "#0.00")

Dim Ay As Single
Ay = YoYL / 10 * i + Yo '标注 Y轴
.CurrentX = xo1 - 500 '500越大,Y轴坐标离Y轴越远
.CurrentY = Yo1 - YoYL1 / 10 * i
Picobj.Print Format(Ay * (10 ^ my), "#0.00")
Next i
'* * * *打印 X轴名称
.FontSize = 12
.FontBold = True
.CurrentX = xo1 + XoXL1 / 2 '定在中间
.CurrentY = Yo1 + 150 '300越大,距轴越远
Select Case mx
Case Is >= 2
Picobj.Print xcaption &amp; "(" &amp; "×E-" &amp; mx &amp; ")"
Case Is <= -2
Picobj.Print xcaption &amp; "(" &amp; "×E+" &amp; Abs(mx) &amp; ")"
Case Else
Picobj.Print xcaption
End Select

'* * * * * 打印 Y轴名称 * * * *
' .CurrentX = xo1 - 500 '500越大,越往左
' .CurrentY = YLast1 - 300 '200越大,越往上
' Select Case my
' Case Is >= 2
' Picobj.Print Ycaption &amp; "(" &amp; "×E-" &amp; my &amp; ")"
' Case Is <= -2
' Picobj.Print Ycaption &amp; "(" &amp; "×E+" &amp; Abs(my) &amp; ")"
' Case Else
' Picobj.Print Ycaption
' End Select

Set fnt = New CLogFont
Set fnt.LogFont = Picobj.Font
Dim hFont As Long
fnt.Rotation = 90

hFont = SelectObject(.hDC, fnt.Handle)
.CurrentX = 50
.CurrentY = .ScaleHeight / 2
Select Case my
Case Is >= 2
Picobj.Print Ycaption &amp; "(" &amp; "×E-" &amp; my &amp; ")"
Case Is <= -2
Picobj.Print Ycaption &amp; "(" &amp; "×E+" &amp; Abs(my) &amp; ")"
Case Else
Picobj.Print Ycaption
End Select

Call SelectObject(.hDC, hFont)

' .FontName = "隶书"
.FontSize = 15
Dim Length As Integer
Length = Len(Title)
If Length <= 10 Then .CurrentX = .ScaleWidth / 3
If Length > 10 Then .CurrentX = .ScaleWidth / 4

.CurrentY = 50
Picobj.Print Title
Picobj.Scale (LscaleX, LscaleY)-(RscaleX, RscaleY)
End With

End Sub

Sub PaintSet(x() As Single, y() As Single, n As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To n
frmmain.picpaint.DrawWidth = 5
frmmain.picpaint.CurrentX = x(i)
frmmain.picpaint.CurrentY = y(i)
frmmain.picpaint.PSet (x(i), y(i))
Next i
End Sub

' 2.坐标轴原点坐标Xo,Yo及终点坐标Xlast,Ylast已算出,并设为公共变量
Sub PaintLine(x() As Single, y() As Single, n As Integer)
Dim k As Single
Dim B As Single
Dim xx1 As Single
Dim xx2 As Single
Dim yy1 As Single
Dim yy2 As Single
k = KK(x(), y(), n)
B = BB(x(), y(), n)
yy1 = k * Xo + B
xx1 = (Yo - B) / k
yy2 = k * Xlast + B
xx2 = (Ylast - B) / k
frmmain.picpaint.DrawWidth = 1
If k > 0 Then
If xx1 < Xo Then xx1 = Xo
If yy1 < Yo Then yy1 = Yo
If xx2 > Xlast Then xx2 = Xlast
If yy2 > Ylast Then yy2 = Ylast
frmmain.picpaint.Line (xx1, yy1)-(xx2, yy2), QBColor(12)
End If
If k < 0 Then
If xx2 < Xo Then xx2 = Xo
If yy1 > Ylast Then yy1 = Ylast
If xx1 > Xlast Then xx1 = Xlast
If yy2 < Yo Then yy2 = Yo
frmmain.picpaint.Line (xx2, yy1)-(xx1, yy2), QBColor(12)
End If

End Sub




for i:=1 to 20 do
TChart.Series.Add( A )

// Easy !!!!