The main functions to get the list of processes is<br><br>-Process32First and<br>-Process32Next<br><br>It retrieves information about the first and next process encountered in a system snapshot.<br><br>CreateToolHelp32SnapShot must be called before. It takes a snapshot of the processes and the heaps, modules, and threads used by the processes.<br><br><br>Finally the code looks somehow like this:<br><br>var<br> Proc : TProcessEntry32;<br> Snap : THandle;<br>...<br><br> Snap := CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);<br> Proc.dwSize := SizeOf(TProcessEntry32);<br> Process32First(Snap,Proc);<br> repeat<br> // add into list...<br> until (not Process32Next(Snap,Proc));<br><br><br><br><br>TerminateProces is used to kill a task.<br><br>例子:<br>文件并未依%20Teleport%20Pro%20取回,因为%20它的域或路径超过启始网址中设置的范围。%20%20/n/n你要从服务器上打开它吗?'))window.location='