用 DCPcrypt 吧!
DCPcrypt is a collection of cryptographic components all derived from one base class (TDCP_blockcipher for block ciphers and TDCP_hash for hash algorithms). Since they are all derived from one common ancestor it makes it very easy to change from one algorithm to another, also there are speed gains for some of the algorithms. If you use DCPcrypt you do not need any additional units. DCPcrypt currently contains the following algorithms;
DCPcrypt now works with Delphi 1,2,3,4 and possibly C++ Builder 3,4.
Block Ciphers: Blowfish, Cast-128, Cast-256, Gost, IDEA, Mars, Misty1, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael, Twofish.
Hash Algorithms: Haval, RipeMD-160, SHA1.
I have now combined DCPcrypt with the seperate unit implementations so that you can now compile DCPcrypt either in component form or in procedure form. Also I have written UU and Base64 encoding units for use with string encoding to ensure that all characters are printable. I'm not sure if they match up to the standards but they are good enough implementations just to ensure no non-printable characters.