Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
Form AutoComplete List: IE can store a record of almost everything that you type into any web page. Form data can be things such as the keywords you have
typed into a search engine and personal information such as your email and address. These information can speed up your input speed but expose some privacy
hole if your computer can be touched by others.
Saved username and password by IE: IE have an option to save your user name and password when you visit some security sites. After the username/password is saved,
you don't need input the username/password again the next time you visit the same site. If your system is touched by others, the saved password may let others enter
the security site using your identify even they don't know your personal password.
typed into a search engine and personal information such as your email and address. These information can speed up your input speed but expose some privacy
hole if your computer can be touched by others.
Saved username and password by IE: IE have an option to save your user name and password when you visit some security sites. After the username/password is saved,
you don't need input the username/password again the next time you visit the same site. If your system is touched by others, the saved password may let others enter
the security site using your identify even they don't know your personal password.