宫 宫雨 Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-05-02 #1 我在TORRY 的主页上看到了国内的景象 但忘了地址,请那一位帮个忙,去TORRY 的主页看一下 (我现在只能上教育网)
L LawrenceZhang Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-05-02 #2 www.torry.webnorth.com/index.htm - Canada I torry.9bit.qc.ca - Canada II torry.magnitka.ru - Magnitogorsk delphi.51ok.com/torry/ - China it.torry.net - Italy bes.trendline.co.il/torry/ - Israel torry.spang.org - United Kingdom www.snc.ru/~torry/ - South-Sakhalinsk torry.copystar.com.tw/index.htm - Taiwan torry.blocks.co.jp - Japan www.torry.css.pl - Poland
www.torry.webnorth.com/index.htm - Canada I torry.9bit.qc.ca - Canada II torry.magnitka.ru - Magnitogorsk delphi.51ok.com/torry/ - China it.torry.net - Italy bes.trendline.co.il/torry/ - Israel torry.spang.org - United Kingdom www.snc.ru/~torry/ - South-Sakhalinsk torry.copystar.com.tw/index.htm - Taiwan torry.blocks.co.jp - Japan www.torry.css.pl - Poland
M mikecool Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-05-03 #4 呵呵,我有这个联接,不过不幸的是好象也是教育网无法连接的服务器 让我来找找 http://torry.tuling.com.cn just try proxy, where is proxy ?? I want to know too
呵呵,我有这个联接,不过不幸的是好象也是教育网无法连接的服务器 让我来找找 http://torry.tuling.com.cn just try proxy, where is proxy ?? I want to know too
M mikecool Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-05-03 #5 呵呵,刚刚向同学要了一个代理,你试试看能不能用 http proxy port 8080国内可以去,国外不行了,而且不支持 断点续传 Enjoy that