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ArcCos function
Calculates the inverse cosine of a given number.
ArcCosh function
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a given number.
ArcSin function
Calculates the inverse sine of a given number.
ArcSinh function
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a given number.
ArcTan2 function
Calculates the arctangent angle and quadrant of a given number.
ArcTanh function
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given number.
Ceil function
Rounds variables up toward positive infinity.
Cosh function
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an angle.
Cotan function
Calculates the cotangent of an angle.
CycleToRad function
Converts an angle measurement from cycles to radians.
DegToRad function
Returns the value of a degree measurement expressed in radians.
DoubleDecliningBalance function
Calculates the depreciation of an asset using the do
uble-declining balance method.
Floor function
Rounds variables toward negative infinity.
Frexp procedure
Separates the Mantissa and Exponent of X
FutureValue function
Calculates the future value of an investment.
GradToRad function
Converts grad measurements to radians.
Hypot function
Calculates the length of the hypotenuse.
IntPower function
Calculates the integral power of a base value.
InterestPayment function
Calculates the interest portion of a loan payment.
InterestRate function
Returns the interest rate required to increase PresentValue to FutureValue.
InternalRateOfReturn function
Calculates the internal rate of return for an investment.
Ldexp function
Calculates X * (2**P)
LnXP1 function
Returns the natural log of (X+1)
Log10 function
Calculates log base 10.
Log2 function
Calculates log base 2.
LogN function
Calculates log base N.
Max function
Returns the greater of two numeric values.
MaxIntValue function
Returns the largest signed value in an integer array.
MaxValue function
Returns the largest signed value in an array.
Mean function
Returns the average of all values in an array.
MeanAndStdDev procedure
Calculates the mean and standard deviation of array elements.
Min function
Returns the lesser of two numeric values.
MinIntValue function
Returns the smallest signed value in an integer array.
MinValue function
Returns smallest signed value in an array.
MomentSkewKurtosis procedure
Calculates the mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis.
NetPresentValue function
Calculates the current value from an array of estimated cash flow values.
Norm function
Returns the Euclidean 'L-2' norm.
NumberOfPeriods function
Returns the number of payment periods for an investment.
Payment function
Calculates a fully amortized payment.
PeriodPayment function
Returns the principal amount from a full payment.
Poly function
Evaluates a uniform polynomial of one variable at the value X.
PopnStdDev function
Calculates the population standard deviation.
PopnVariance function
Calculates the population variance.
Power function
Raises Base to any power.
PresentValue function
Calculates the present value of an investment.
RadToCycle function
Converts radians to cycles.
RadToDeg function
Converts radians to degrees.
RadToGrad function
Converts radians to grads.
RandG function
Generates random numbers with Gaussian distribution.
SLNDepreciation function
Returns the straight-line depreciation allowance of an asset.
SYDDepreciation function
Calculates depreciation for an asset.
SinCos procedure
Returns sine and cosine of an angle.
Sinh function
Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle.
StdDev function
Returns the sample standard deviation for elements in an array.
Sum function
Returns the sum of the elements in an array.
SumInt function
Returns the sum of the elements in an integer array.
SumOfSquares function
Returns the sum of the squared values from a data array.
SumsAndSquares procedure
Returns the sum of the values and the sum of the squared values in an array.
Tan function
Returns the tangent of X.
Tanh function
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of X.
TotalVariance function
Returns the statistical variance from an array of values.
Variance function
Calculates statistical sample variance from an array of data.