如何做IE的Plug-in 及在IE中的menu如何加入自己的选单.......(200分)(200分)

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Adding Entries to the Standard Context Menu


This tutorial explains how to add an entry into the standard context menus in Microsoft? Internet Explorer that executes a script specified by a URL.

Requirements and Dependencies
Implementation Steps
Related Topics
Requirements and Dependencies
Developers who want to add entries to the standard context menus in Internet Explorer must be familiar with the registry. Developers should also be familiar with context menus. For more information about context menus, see the Windows Shell API documentation in the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK).

The implementation described here is valid for Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later. This feature is not available in earlier versions of Internet Explorer.

Implementation Steps
The following steps are required to add an entry into the standard context menus in Internet Explorer.

Create a new key, using the text you want displayed in the context menu as the name, under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MenuExt

The result should look like:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MenuExt/<Menu Text>
<Menu Text> should be replaced with the text that you want displayed in the context menu. The name can include an ampersand (&) character, which will cause the character that follows to be underlined and used as a shortcut key.

Set the default value of the key to the URL of the page that contains the script you want the context menu entry to execute. This script can obtain the parent window object, the screen where the context menu item was executed, from the menuArguments property of the external object.
Optional. Create a binary value, Contexts, under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MenuExt/<Menu Text>

The result should look like:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MenuExt/<Menu Text>/Contexts
Set the value of Contexts to indicate which contexts your entry should appear in the standard context menu by using a bit mask consisting of the logical OR of the following values:

Context Value
Default 0x1
Images 0x2
Controls 0x4
Tables 0x8
Text selection 0x10
Anchor 0x20

For example, if you want your context menu entry to appear in the default context menu and when the context is a text selection, set the value of Contexts to 0x11.

Optional. Create a DWORD value, Flags, under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MenuExt/<Menu Text>

The result should look like:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MenuExt/<Menu Text>/Flags
Set the value of Flags to 0x1 to make the script run just as if it had been called through the showModalDialog method. Unlike the showModalDialog method, the script can access the window object of the parent window from the menuArguments property of the external object.

Strings stored inside a resource can be referenced by providing the path to the resource and reference identification in the format "path, resource_id". For example, if you wanted to use string resource 123 in Example.dll, you would use "Example.dll, 123".
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有一点像 网译,地球村...等软体

I want to know how to ?
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请仔细研究一下 netants 或 flashget
最麻烦的还是要自己编一个 com dll
菜单易:platsdk中有个例子,com --- band 好例子。
to: 如何得到在浏览器上浏览别人网页的文字?
参考msdn Library
