Subject: Re: ReportBuilder or Rave Reports
From: "Jerry Clancy"
Newsgroups: atozedsoftware.intraweb.third-party
Here are some steps to try with the code-based Rave components:
* Drop a ReportSystem component on your Datamodule.
* Set this property: ReportSystem1.DoNativeOutput := False;
* Set the appropriate output parameters to file, not printer.
* Kill Status reporting, anything that would locally pop a form
* Set the FileName and path -- use the "files" directory for output, setting
type to .rtf or .htm, as appropriate to which report type you are
* Drop an RPRenderHTML and/or an RPRenderPDF component on the form
* Set the Render object for the specific report, eg
ReportSystem1.RenderObject := RPRenderPDF1;
* Code your ReportSystem events (BeforePrint, Header, Print, etc.)
* Execute them with ReportSystem1.Execute.
* Return the generated file with the following:
AIPOptions: string =
AIPNewWindow: string = 'NewWindow("%s", "%s", "%s");'; { A mask for the
Format }
AIPURL := WebApplication.URLBase + '/filesNC/' + sFileName;
AddToInitProc('NewWindow("' + AIPURL + '", "Agenda", "' + AIPOptions
There's your blueprint.