请高手解答,配置多层应用系统和如何发布IntraWeb (300分)

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1。我看过了李维的《Delphi 5.x 分布式多层应用系统篇》,根据其中的例子写了一些Demo,
我看了第9章[多层应用系统的配置],有些地方不太懂,总之还是不行! 所以想请有这方面

初学多层式编程,几乎什么都不会,还望高手赐教! 在此谢过!
分享也是一种快乐! 请踊跃回答, 不过 UP 一定没分!
InraWeb 还没用过,不敢乱发言
To antic_ant:
您没有用过,就不用麻烦您告诉我了! :)
To abc_xp:
我在线等待半个多小时了,难道真的没有人能回答吗? 还是大富翁没有高手了,
唉 人说重赏之下必有勇夫,这是我半年来在大富翁里面问的第一个问题,不知道真正的

Deployment FAQ

Can I develop for Linux?

Yes, using Kylix 2 or 3 you can deploy in standalone mode, or as an Apache DSO.


When I upload my standalone EXE to the webserver and try and access it, the browser prompts me with a Save dialog.

IntraWeb standalone applications are not CGI's. They are standalone executables that have a built-in web server. To access the IW application you need to specify the following URL: http://your_ip_address:port_assigned where port_assigned is the port that is set in the ServerController in your project.


How can I install my IntraWeb application in Apache?

After you have created the DSO, you may find Apache Shared Modules of use. This is an article by Brian Long which includes information on installing Apache DSOs. You can deploy applications you create using Apache Shared Modules on either Win32 or Linux Apache web servers with IntraWeb.

ApacheConf is an inexpensive third party GUI configuration tool for Apache that you may find useful as well.


Is there any way to manage my ISAPI application?

Microsoft does not provide good remote management for ISAPI applications. You may wish to try the ISAPI Loader.


I do not have my own server. Are there ISP's that can host IntraWeb applications?

Yes, please see the ISAPI / Servelet host list.


Can I use the IntraWeb web-server as our primary web-server?

It is not recommended. The IntraWeb server provided in the package is a specialized server for running IntraWeb applications only. For web-servers, other products are available such as the Apache web-server that can be downloaded for both Windows and Linux and is freely available.

If the primary focus of the website is the IntraWeb application, the web-browser can be automatically redirected to the IntraWeb server.

Apache can be redirected by modifying its configuration file. Microsoft IIS can process a redirect by editing adding a virtual directory and redirect in IIS Manager.

Another option is to use an HTML page containing a meta-tag:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="x; URL="http://<server name>:4321/start/<app name>/"">

Where x is the number of seconds to wait in the HEAD section of the HTML document such as:

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Redirecting to Our Application Server</TITLE><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3; URL=http://www.yourcompany.com:4321/FishFact/start"></HEAD><BODY><P>You should be redirected to our application server in three seconds. If you are not redirected, please <A HREF="http://www.yourcompany.com:4321/FishFact/start">follow this link to go to our application server</A>.</P></BODY></HTML>


When deploying as ISAPI, the following error occurs: EOSError with message "System Error. Code: 5. Denied Access".

Delete the cache directory and restart, or grant the cache directory read / write access by IUSR_<machine name> or the user the ISAPI is set to run as.


Do I need a web-server to run IntraWeb?

This answer depends on how you deploy your IntraWeb application.

If you deploy using ISAPI, then yes you will need a web server which supports ISAPI such as Microsoft IIS or Omni HTTP.

If you deploy using the stand alone method, then no you will not need a web server because a specialized web-server is provided by IntraWeb. However, most people will want to run it in conjunction with a normal web server to serve static pages and graphics, but this is not required.


Will I have any conflicts with our primary web server?

Web servers run on the default HTTP port 80. Unless the web-server has been configured to run on the IntraWeb application port or vice versa, there will not be any conflicts.


What IP addresses does my IntraWeb server listen on?

IntraWeb servers listen on all of the active IP addresses on the machine unless you manually set the BoundIP property.


How can I install a new IntraWeb program as a service?

Copy the executable file to the destination machine. From a command prompt run the executable with the "-install" parameter. This installs it as a service. Proceed to the Service applet in the Control Panel to set the startup. If running as a standalone application, by just copying it to the destination machine and starting it is sufficient.


How can I update an IntraWeb program after I have deployed it?

First, stop the IntraWeb application service. Upload the newer version and restart the service. If running as a standalone, simply replace the existing file after stopping it, and then restart the application.


How can I completely remove an IntraWeb service from my server?

Stop the IntraWeb application service. From a command prompt run the executable with the "-uninstall" parameter. Finally, delete the executable.


Can users run an IntraWeb application through their firewalls?

Firewalls normally block unknown ports and only leave commonly used ports open (such as port 80). However, most firewalls allow all HTTP traffic to pass through regardless of what port they use. This is done by using an HTTP proxy. Therefore, IntraWeb is compatible with nearly all firewalls your users may be using.


What do I do if I do not have permission to install my IntraWeb application on Windows NT or Windows 2000?

The IntraWeb applications must be installed from an administrator account. Contact your network administrator.

Note: This is only true for the stand alone versions of IntraWeb. The ISAPI versions can be installed by any user with upload access.


When using the BDE, I get the following error when starting my web application: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $2B05)

Please see this article on the Borland Community website.


I am trying to use ADO or some other COM component and I get an error about CoInitialize must be called?

Set the ComInitialization property in your application's server controller.


Why are fonts messed up in some browsers?

Most computers are set for small fonts. Since all rendering is based on the servers representation if a user has large fonts, the rendering will be slightly off. End users should use small fonts, or alternatively the developer should leave sufficient space around each component to compensate for the offset. Large fonts can be used if templates are used.


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