'Microsoft SQL Server 2000
'Visual Basic file generated for DTS Package
'File Name: D:/Documents and Settings/yangyaohua/My Documents/新建包.bas
'Package Name: 新建包
'Package Description: DTS 包描述
'Generated Date: 2002-12-5
'Generated Time: 9:14:18
Option Explicit
Public goPackageOld As New DTS.Package
Public goPackage As DTS.Package2
Private Sub Main()
set goPackage = goPackageOld
goPackage.Name = "新建包"
goPackage.Description = "DTS 包描述"
goPackage.WriteCompletionStatusToNTEventLog = False
goPackage.FailOnError = False
goPackage.PackagePriorityClass = 2
goPackage.MaxConcurrentSteps = 4
goPackage.LineageOptions = 0
goPackage.UseTransaction = True
goPackage.TransactionIsolationLevel = 4096
goPackage.AutoCommitTransaction = True
goPackage.RepositoryMetadataOptions = 0
goPackage.UseOLEDBServiceComponents = True
goPackage.LogToSQLServer = False
goPackage.LogServerFlags = 0
goPackage.FailPackageOnLogFailure = False
goPackage.ExplicitGlobalVariables = False
goPackage.PackageType = 0
Dim oConnProperty As DTS.OleDBProperty
' create package connection information
Dim oConnection as DTS.Connection2
'------------- a new connection defined below.
'For security purposes, the password is never scripted
Set oConnection = goPackage.Connections.New("SQLOLEDB")
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Persist Security Info") = True
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("User ID") = "SA"
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Initial Catalog") = "ZCSoftMRP"
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Data Source") = "SERVER"
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Application Name") = "DTS 导入/导出向导"
oConnection.Name = "连接1"
oConnection.ID = 1
oConnection.Reusable = True
oConnection.ConnectImmediate = False
oConnection.DataSource = "SERVER"
oConnection.UserID = "SA"
oConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 60
oConnection.Catalog = "ZCSoftMRP"
oConnection.UseTrustedConnection = False
oConnection.UseDSL = False
'If you have a password for this connection, please uncomment and add your password below.
'oConnection.Password = "<put the password here>"
goPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing
'------------- a new connection defined below.
'For security purposes, the password is never scripted
Set oConnection = goPackage.Connections.New("Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0")
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Data Source") = "D:/Documents and Settings/yangyaohua/My Documents/test.mdb"
oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Mode") = 3
oConnection.Name = "连接2"
oConnection.ID = 2
oConnection.Reusable = True
oConnection.ConnectImmediate = False
oConnection.DataSource = "D:/Documents and Settings/yangyaohua/My Documents/test.mdb"
oConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 60
oConnection.UseTrustedConnection = False
oConnection.UseDSL = False
'If you have a password for this connection, please uncomment and add your password below.
'oConnection.Password = "<put the password here>"
goPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing
' create package steps information
Dim oStep as DTS.Step2
Dim oPrecConstraint as DTS.PrecedenceConstraint
'------------- a new step defined below
Set oStep = goPackage.Steps.New
oStep.Name = "创建表 Roles 步骤"
oStep.Description = "创建表 Roles 步骤"
oStep.ExecutionStatus = 1
oStep.TaskName = "创建表 Roles 任务"
oStep.CommitSuccess = False
oStep.RollbackFailure = False
oStep.ScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
oStep.AddGlobalVariables = True
oStep.RelativePriority = 3
oStep.CloseConnection = False
oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = False
oStep.IsPackageDSORowset = False
oStep.JoinTransactionIfPresent = False
oStep.DisableStep = False
oStep.FailPackageOnError = False
goPackage.Steps.Add oStep
Set oStep = Nothing
'------------- a new step defined below
Set oStep = goPackage.Steps.New
oStep.Name = "Copy Data from Roles to Roles 步骤"
oStep.Description = "Copy Data from Roles to Roles 步骤"
oStep.ExecutionStatus = 1
oStep.TaskName = "Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务"
oStep.CommitSuccess = False
oStep.RollbackFailure = False
oStep.ScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
oStep.AddGlobalVariables = True
oStep.RelativePriority = 3
oStep.CloseConnection = False
oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True
oStep.IsPackageDSORowset = False
oStep.JoinTransactionIfPresent = False
oStep.DisableStep = False
oStep.FailPackageOnError = False
goPackage.Steps.Add oStep
Set oStep = Nothing
'------------- a precedence constraint for steps defined below
Set oStep = goPackage.Steps("Copy Data from Roles to Roles 步骤")
Set oPrecConstraint = oStep.PrecedenceConstraints.New("创建表 Roles 步骤")
oPrecConstraint.StepName = "创建表 Roles 步骤"
oPrecConstraint.PrecedenceBasis = 0
oPrecConstraint.Value = 4
oStep.precedenceConstraints.Add oPrecConstraint
Set oPrecConstraint = Nothing
' create package tasks information
'------------- call Task_Sub1 for task 创建表 Roles 任务 (创建表 Roles 任务)
Call Task_Sub1( goPackage )
'------------- call Task_Sub2 for task Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务 (Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务)
Call Task_Sub2( goPackage )
' Save or execute package
'goPackage.SaveToSQLServer "(local)", "sa", ""
'to save a package instead of executing it, comment out the executing package line above and uncomment the saving package line
set goPackage = Nothing
set goPackageOld = Nothing
End Sub
'------------- define Task_Sub1 for task 创建表 Roles 任务 (创建表 Roles 任务)
Public Sub Task_Sub1(ByVal goPackage As Object)
Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oLookup As DTS.Lookup
Dim oCustomTask1 As DTS.ExecuteSQLTask2
Set oTask = goPackage.Tasks.New("DTSExecuteSQLTask")
Set oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask
oCustomTask1.Name = "创建表 Roles 任务"
oCustomTask1.Description = "创建表 Roles 任务"
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = "CREATE TABLE `Roles` (" & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "`ID` VarChar (3) NOT NULL, " & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "`Read` VarChar (1) NOT NULL, " & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "`Write` VarChar (1) NOT NULL, " & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "`Print` VarChar (1) NOT NULL, " & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "`Super` VarChar (1) NOT NULL, " & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "`Description` VarChar (128) NULL" & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & ")"
oCustomTask1.ConnectionID = 2
oCustomTask1.CommandTimeout = 0
oCustomTask1.OutputAsRecordset = False
goPackage.Tasks.Add oTask
Set oCustomTask1 = Nothing
Set oTask = Nothing
End Sub
'------------- define Task_Sub2 for task Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务 (Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务)
Public Sub Task_Sub2(ByVal goPackage As Object)
Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oLookup As DTS.Lookup
Dim oCustomTask2 As DTS.DataPumpTask2
Set oTask = goPackage.Tasks.New("DTSDataPumpTask")
Set oCustomTask2 = oTask.CustomTask
oCustomTask2.Name = "Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务"
oCustomTask2.Description = "Copy Data from Roles to Roles 任务"
oCustomTask2.SourceConnectionID = 1
oCustomTask2.SourceSQLStatement = "select [ID],[Read],[Write],[Print],[Super],[Description] from [ZCSoftMRP].[dbo].[Roles]"
oCustomTask2.DestinationConnectionID = 2
oCustomTask2.DestinationObjectName = "Roles"
oCustomTask2.ProgressRowCount = 1000
oCustomTask2.MaximumErrorCount = 0
oCustomTask2.FetchBufferSize = 1
oCustomTask2.UseFastLoad = True
oCustomTask2.InsertCommitSize = 0
oCustomTask2.ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter = "|"
oCustomTask2.ExceptionFileRowDelimiter = vbCrLf
oCustomTask2.AllowIdentityInserts = False
oCustomTask2.FirstRow = 0
oCustomTask2.LastRow = 0
oCustomTask2.FastLoadOptions = 2
oCustomTask2.ExceptionFileOptions = 1
oCustomTask2.DataPumpOptions = 0
Call oCustomTask2_Trans_Sub1( oCustomTask2 )
goPackage.Tasks.Add oTask
Set oCustomTask2 = Nothing
Set oTask = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub oCustomTask2_Trans_Sub1(ByVal oCustomTask2 As Object)
Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
Set oTransformation = oCustomTask2.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
oTransformation.Name = "DirectCopyXform"
oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("ID" , 1)
oColumn.Name = "ID"
oColumn.Ordinal = 1
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 3
oColumn.DataType = 129
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Read" , 2)
oColumn.Name = "Read"
oColumn.Ordinal = 2
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 129
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Write" , 3)
oColumn.Name = "Write"
oColumn.Ordinal = 3
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 129
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Print" , 4)
oColumn.Name = "Print"
oColumn.Ordinal = 4
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 129
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Super" , 5)
oColumn.Name = "Super"
oColumn.Ordinal = 5
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 129
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Description" , 6)
oColumn.Name = "Description"
oColumn.Ordinal = 6
oColumn.Flags = 104
oColumn.Size = 128
oColumn.DataType = 129
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = True
oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("ID" , 1)
oColumn.Name = "ID"
oColumn.Ordinal = 1
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 3
oColumn.DataType = 130
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Read" , 2)
oColumn.Name = "Read"
oColumn.Ordinal = 2
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 130
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Write" , 3)
oColumn.Name = "Write"
oColumn.Ordinal = 3
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 130
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Print" , 4)
oColumn.Name = "Print"
oColumn.Ordinal = 4
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 130
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Super" , 5)
oColumn.Name = "Super"
oColumn.Ordinal = 5
oColumn.Flags = 24
oColumn.Size = 1
oColumn.DataType = 130
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = False
oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Description" , 6)
oColumn.Name = "Description"
oColumn.Ordinal = 6
oColumn.Flags = 104
oColumn.Size = 128
oColumn.DataType = 130
oColumn.Precision = 0
oColumn.NumericScale = 0
oColumn.Nullable = True
oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties
Set oTransProps = Nothing
oCustomTask2.Transformations.Add oTransformation
Set oTransformation = Nothing
End Sub