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GUEST, unregistred user!
I think the reply to this question exsiting in the BBS, but i can't type in chinese ,so i can't search it.
a file,eg.A.bmp,i use the API ShellExecute function to open it.
then, i want to close the Program ACDSee,after it already run.
so i use sendmessage.
but,the problem is i can't get the handle of the runing program!
the value Shellexecute returning is only instance handle,not handle.so i can't use it in sendmessage!
how can i do?
BTW: i can't use the chinese,for my PC System is Linux,and i don't install GCE. //hehe
a file,eg.A.bmp,i use the API ShellExecute function to open it.
then, i want to close the Program ACDSee,after it already run.
so i use sendmessage.
but,the problem is i can't get the handle of the runing program!
the value Shellexecute returning is only instance handle,not handle.so i can't use it in sendmessage!
how can i do?
BTW: i can't use the chinese,for my PC System is Linux,and i don't install GCE. //hehe