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请问:GetProcessTimes各个参数的确切意思<br><br>返回值 <br>Long,非零表示成功,零表示失败。会设置GetLastError <br>参数表 <br>参数 类型及说明 <br>hProcess Long,一个进程句柄 <br>lpCreationTime FILETIME,指定一个FILETIME结构,在其中装载进程的创建时间 <br>lpExitTime FILETIME,指定一个FILETIME结构,在其中装载进程的中止时间 <br>lpKernelTime FILETIME,指定一个FILETIME结构,在其中装载进程花在内核模式上的总时间 <br>lpUserTime FILETIME,指定一个FILETIME结构,在其中装载进程花在用户模式上的总时间 <br><br>请详细解释一下进程的创建时间 ,在其中装载进程的中止时间 ,在其中装载进程花在内核模式上的总时间,在其中装载进程花在用户模式上的总时间 &nbsp;
不是都解释的很清楚了吗?<br>英文的解释为:<br>BOOL GetProcessTimes(<br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; HANDLE hProcess, // specifies the process of interest <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, // when the process was created<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; LPFILETIME lpExitTime, // when the process exited <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; LPFILETIME lpKernelTime, // time the process has spent in kernel mode <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; LPFILETIME lpUserTime // time the process has spent in user mode <br>&nbsp; &nbsp;);<br>lpKernelTime:<br>&nbsp;The time that each of the threads of the process has executed in kernel mode <br>is determined, and then all of those times are summed together to obtain this value. <br>lpUserTime :<br>The time that each of the threads of the process has executed in user mode is <br>determined, and then all of those times are summed together to obtain this value.