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GUEST, unregistred user!
还有我有一个dll,是for vb的在vb下没有问题,可是如何在delphi中声明这个函数啊??[:(]
* Function in FNTHEX.DLL:
* GETFONTHEX() - Get bitmap in hex code of specific out
* string and font to buffer.
* Parameter:
* 1) LPSTR outStr, // output string
* 2) LPSTR lfFaceName, // Windows font name
* 3) LPSTR outstrname // output string name
* 4) short int lfOrientation, // clock-wish Orientation: 0,90,180,270
* 5) short int lfHeight, // font height
* 6) short int lfWidth, // font width, always set to 0
* 7) short int lfBold, // bold font style
* 8) short int lfItalic, // italic font style
* 9) LPSTR hexBuf // buffer to receive hex codes,
* size must set to 21K.
* Return : Byte count of buffer contents if successful, otherwise <= 0
* Note : 1) Before program to call function GETFONTHEX() in FNTHEX32.DLL,
* Statement must be added to declare it in the call program.
* 2) Function name GETFONTHEX() must in upper case.
* 3) Before function GETFONTHEX() is called, the buffer that is equal
* to 21K must to allocate first.
* 4) The return of GETFONTHEX() is greate than 0 if function call is
* successful, and result of Chinese data is stored in 21K buffer.
* The total number of byte output in buffer is return by GETNFONTHEX().
* 5) Printer driver "Generic / Text Only" must be set for
* label printing under Windows 32 bit environment.
不知道斑马条码打印机的Windows驱动程序可以输出汉字吗? 你试试