nextfield = "box1";
// name of first box on page
netscape = "";
ver = navigator.appVersion;
len = ver.length;
for(iln = 0;
iln < len;
iln++) if (ver.charAt(iln) == "(") break;
netscape = (ver.charAt(iln+1).toUpperCase() != "C");
function keyDown(DnEvents) { // handles keypress
// determines whether Netscape or Internet Explorer
k = (netscape) ? DnEvents.which : window.event.keyCode;
if (k == 13) { // enter key pressed
if (nextfield == 'done') return true;
// submit, we finished all fields
{ // we're notdo
ne yet, send focus to next box
eval('document.yourform.' + nextfield + '.focus()');
return false;
document.onkeydown = keyDown;
// work together to analyze keystrokes
if (netscape)do
// End -->
<form name=yourform>
Box 1: <input type=text name=box1 onFocus="nextfield ='box2';"><br>
Box 2: <input type=text name=box2 onFocus="nextfield ='box3';"><br>
Box 3: <input type=text name=box3 onFocus="nextfield ='box4';"><br>
Box 4: <input type=text name=box4 onFocus="nextfield ='done';"><br>
<input type=submit name=done value="Submit">